So you've started to make the design of your blog reflect you and you are working on improving the quality of your now what do you do?
This post is all about how to promote your blog!
There are so many wonderful resources available for bloggers out there!
1. Build your content! A pretty blog won't get you noticed unless you have something to say! Once you have your blog set up, you need to start adding CONTENT.
Content can be anything from a picture with a caption to a tutorial to a recipe to something you've made for your shop! Be yourself! Write about what you like - what interests you! The more content you have on your blog, the more traffic you will get.
2. Join a Link Party! A link party is simply a list of links that the author of a blog 'hosts' for a certain period of time. They can be general or very specifically themed. (I personally contribute to several link parties each week!) They are free to join, and are a lot of fun!
There are several types of link parties out there - some of the most popular are: crafts, recipes, home decor, photos, and blog hops!
A blog hop is a special type of link party that gives other bloggers the chance to visit and follow your blog - as you visit and follow other blogs, too! It's a great way to 'meet' fellow bloggers and make Blog Land 'friends!'
Here's a really great link to a fun blog that keeps a running list of weekly link parties going on:

3. Leave and respond to comments! In addition to linking up your content at a link party, you also need to visit other links and leave comments! Not only is it just good etiquette...but it's also good karma! People LOVE to get if you leave a positive comment on someone else's blog post, they are more likely to return the love, and leave a comment on your blog, too!
4. Link to other blogs! If you see something that you love out in Blog Land, share it on your own blog! Make sure you link back to the original author's post and pictures, and be sure to let them know! It's always flattering to know that someone liked something you did!
5. Be consistent! Try to aim for at least two to three posts on your blog each week. If you are inconsistent with the amount of posting you do on your blog (ie going for long periods of not posting anything), people will be less likely to continue to follow your blog. Make a simple goal to start with, so that you don't get burned out. Be flexible about it, too!
6. Advertise! If you have a little extra revenue, advertising is a great way to get your blog or shop noticed. Several of the 'Big-Time' blogs offer advertising spots on their blogs. You can also so some self-promotion by offering a giveaway to follower or hosting a contest of some kind. (I'll be posting next week about how create your own blog buttons for people to post -- you can usually use these button for advertising, too!)