So you’ve got a blog...now what?
Starting today I’m going to be doing a post a week on things you can do to help make your blog the best it can be!! I'm not claiming to be an expert, by any means, but I wanted to share some things that I’ve learned!
To start off I’m going to address your blogs’ appearance.
Now, then.
We don’t want to say that we make judgements based on appearances...but guess what? We do. It’s just the way we are.
I’m not saying that we don’t sometimes stumble into something great, that looks less-than-perfect...but in the blogging world looks matter. If someone comes to your blog and thinks, “This person has really great ideas and makes really fun stuff...but it’s so hard to tell what’s going on.” They likely won’t come back. BUT if your blog layout is clean, fun, friendly, and easy to use you’ll get lots more of those coveted followers!!
Here are some important tips for making your blog look good:
1. Take good pictures! I’m not going to talk about this right now...I’ll be doing my next post on this topic specifically...so tune in next week!
2. Make your blog easy to read! Make sure your posts are easy to find and are in a readable font and color. Putting black text on a red background is a sure fire way to give someone a headache...so keep readability a high priority!
3. Show your personality! If you like the color green - go for it!! If you like old vintage postcards- use them! Think of your blog as an extension of yourself. People will see your blog and think of you! So show your true colors!
4. Keep it simple. Along with showing your personality you want to make sure that your blog isn’t too cluttered or overwhelming. These are things that can turn potential fans somewhere else, so keep things simple.
5. Create buttons or links for your shop or blog so people can find you again! (I’ll be doing a post about this later, too!)
6. You can hire someone to do your blog design, if you don’t feel confident doing it yourself!! Check out these fantastic designers to see what i mean:

ButterflyGirlms Blog Design

Aqua Poppy Designs

The Girl Creative

Hope these tips will get you thinking about your blog and how you can improve it!!
I’m excited to share some Good Photo Tips next week! We’ll see you then!!
I’m also guest posting this info on the SAHM of Etsy Blog and on the Olive Smiles Facebook page this week!