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@Sarahndipities1 |
Friday, October 28, 2011
Feature Friday: All a Twitter...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Things to Make: 5 Minute No Sew Fabric Pumpkins!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Great Idea: The Parable of the Toys
In our home we read from the scriptures every morning before my children and hubby go off to school (my hubby teaches 5th grade). This week we were reading in the Book of Mormon a parable in Jacob Chapter 5, referred to as "The Parable of the Olive Tree." (You can learn more about that HERE.)
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the playroom |
"Therefore, let me write somewhat concerning the parable of the toys.
Yea, it came to pass there lived in a pleasant valley a father and a mother and their children.
Yea, and the mother loved her children; and they brought her much joy, and she was well pleased with them.
And the children did have many toys, and they did go forth and did play much in the home, for that is what children do.
Yea, and as the night drew near the mother came unto them and spake unto them, saying,
“Oh, my children! Thou dost bring me much gladness and joy! Yea, and thou art good children, therefore, go ye throughout the house and gather all thy toys, and put them away herewith that ye may come and partake of thy dinner which I hath prepared for thee.”
And the children went forth, and as they began to gather to themselves the toys strewn about, the one saith to the others,
“Let us play a little longer, and our mother will not mind.”
And it came to pass that they didst continue to play, and did not gather their toys.
And their mother came unto them again saying,
“Wherefore art my children, that they have left their toys strewn about, and gathereth them not? Wherefore, I hath prepared thy dinner and I say unto thee, unless thou shalt gather thy toys and putteth them away, thou shalt not have thy dinner.
“Yea and I also say unto thee, that if thy toys are not gathered, my wrath shalt be brought down against thee, and thy toys shalt be numbered, and great shall be the fall thereof. Yea, and I say unto thee, if I must gather thy toys for thee, thou shalt have them no more.
“Therefore, go to and gather thy toys; and I shall stay thy dinner a little while longer.”
And it came to pass that the children went forth once more to gather their toys. And as they began to put them away, they letteth a few fall by the wayside, and one saith to the others,
“Our mother will not mind that we let a few of the toys be left on the floor, therefore, let us hurry to dinner!”
And it came to pass the children came to dinner.
And their mother, seeing them draw nigh, saith unto them, “Oh, my children! Hast thou done all that I have asked of thee, and hast thou gathered thy toys, that they cumber the ground no more?”
And the children saith unto her, “Yea.”
And their mother saith unto them, “Show me, my children, all that thou hast done.”
And the children began to tremble, for behold they had left some their toys by the wayside, and hadst not put them away.
And the Mother saw that all the toys had not been put away, and that some of the toys did lie on the floor still; and her wrath began to be kindled.
And it came to pass that the mother came unto them, and she spake unto them in a loud voice, saying,
“Oh my children! Thou hath been untruthful, and thou hast not gathered thy toys, that they cumber the ground no more. Therefore, said I, that if I must gather thy toys for thee, thou shalt have them no more. Yea, and I will verily toss them aside into the pit of refuse, that they be not left to create stumbling blocks for thy father and myself. Yea, and thou hast been warned against such things, but thou heedest not. Therefore, I shall gather thy toys and they shall not be left upon my floor any longer.”
And the children cried out with much weeping, and wailing and gnashing of teeth; but the mother heeded not the plea’s of the children, and the toys which remained were swept aside, and were tossed into the pit of refuse, and their days upon the floor were numbered.
Therefore my children, when thy Mother calleth unto thee, and asketh that thou shalt gathereth thy toys up, see that ye doeth these things quickly that thy Mother’s wrath be not kindled against ye, and that thy toys may be long upon the land. "

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Things to Make: Pumpkin Blocks Revisited!

Friday, October 14, 2011
Feature Friday: OneLoopShy Designs
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Nine to Five Cowl |
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Aunt Jo's Prayer Shawl |
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13 Stitches Headband |

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Great Idea: Vampire Yourself!
Me as the Delphic Sibyl on the Sistine chapel ceiling...really. Here's a source pic for you to compare it to. |
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Me as Cinderella... |
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... and Prince Charming. Yes. That's really me. |
So last year we decided it would be fun to dress up like vampires and take pictures of each other in the cemetary...'cause ya' know...that's just the natural progression of things, right? Ahem.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Pinterest Inspiration: Customizable Crochet Poncho
Hey, Everyone!
This week's
was inspired by this...
...found on my Things to Crochet Board.
I loved the way this looked...so I thought I'd give it a try!
Following the pattern linked here, I created my own!
I used Red Heart Soft yarn in Leaf, and embellished with some cool repurposed branch button I had purchased on Etsy, here. I LOVE the color; and it has lovely drape.
It was really simple to work up...it's soft and warm...but not too bulky! Perfect for Fall! The only thing I would have changed was the width of the neck opening...I love it!
What do you think?

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Customizable Crochet Poncho |

Monday, October 10, 2011
EtsyMom Color Palette Challenge!

Thursday, October 6, 2011
It's a Sign...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Things to Make: Time Out Cowl ~ Maybe Matilda's CAL

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