I'm sure that many of you already know the basics of making tissue paper flowers, but I thought I'd share a quick tutorial on how to make some cute, quick flowers! I love crafts like this because I can use something that is waaaaaay past its prime (ie crumpled re-gifted tissue paper from who knows when) to make something cute and gift-worthy! These are really simple and kids can help make them, too!
Materials needed:
tissue paper, in any colors you'd like!
pipe cleaners
hot glue gun (mom tool!)

We started out with big sheets of tissue paper, that I cut into squares to make them more manageable for the kids. I cut them into squares about 4 to 5 inches big...As you can see I was not so precise in them being exact squares.

Next layer four or five squares on top of each other and folded them into quarters. Then cut petal shapes out of the folded quarters of paper...I cut mine in a sort of heart shape for Valentine's day. **REMEMBER TO LEAVE THE CENTER FOLD UNCUT!!!** (We had a couple of mishaps with this step...if you cut the center of the paper you end up with a bunch of unattached petals!)

After all the cutting is done unfold the petals and separate them from one another. Then you can layer them back together, overlapping and filling in gaps.

Gently push a pipe cleaner through the center of the flower, put a button on it, and bend it over, and through the other button hole to make a little center for your flower. (You may have to help with poking the holes in the flowers.)

The next few steps are ones that Moms should probably help with! Put a little dab of hot glue under the button, and gently pulled the button down onto the tissue. (This step is optional, but makes your flower a little sturdier. If you're doing this project with younger kids, you can skip the next few steps altogether and go straight to the finishing step!)

To cut leaves, I just folded up some green tissue paper and cut a leaf shape out. After fastening the top of the flower together, I glued a couple of leaves to the bottom of the flower, and pinched them to give some dimension.

Then I used a strip of green tissue, and wrapped it around the rest of the stem, gluing as I went and adding a couple more leaves. (Again, this is totally optional, but makes the flower look a little more finished...especially if you are using white pipe cleaner, instead of green, like I did!)

To finish the flower gently scrunch the layers of petals upward, to add some texture, and then 'fluff' them up.

Ta-da!! A simple and sweet tissue paper flower! (I know. It's not Martha Stewart. But hey...it's a pretty good knock-off, eh?)
You can create all sorts of petal shapes, and edges to your flowers! Use pinking shears or other shaped scissors to get some really fun effects! You can also layer different colors together to make some truly unique flowers!
A bouquet of these adorable tissue paper flowers would make really sweet gifts for teachers, grandmas, and other special ladies in your kids' lives!
This song, called "Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers," has been going through my head for the past few days. It's from a movie, that is no longer in print, called "Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure." There are some kind of crazy animation sequences in it, but the music was really fun, and I still remember it. This song is still one of my favorites! (I'm sure there is probably a video for this out there somewhere...but the quality of this recording was really good, so this is the one I went with!) Enjoy!
Have fun and Happy Monday!