Friday, September 30, 2011

Feature Friday: General Conference ~ Something For Everyone

I don't typically share my beliefs here on my blog...that's not because they aren't important to me...but rather they are so meaningful that I tend to not want to share the intimacy of my testimony and beliefs on a whim.  My testimony is sacred to me, so I'm protective of it.

As you may know (from previous posts and my sidebar), I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I'm a Mormon.

The Salt Lake Temple

You may or may not know that twice a year the people of my religion gather together to hear the teachings and counsel of our leaders.  We believe that revelation to man (and women, of course!) from God is still here on the earth.  We believe in living prophets.  We call this bi-annual meeting General Conference.  One of the most wonderful things about General Conference is that it is not exclusive to members of our church!  Anyone is free to watch, listen, and attend.  It is something I look forward to eagerly.  It's a way for me to refocus on the important things in life...and to be uplifted by the testimonies of others, that Jesus is the Christ, that He loves me, and that I can live with my family forever with Him.

Here is what one my favorite church leaders, Elder Jeffery R. Holland,  has said of General Conference:

I invite you to join me and my family as we learn more of the teachings of Jesus Christ and how to apply them in our own lives.  To learn more about General Conference, and to see when it will be available to watch, please CLICK HERE.

If you are interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, please visit HERE.

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